(A web extra from the Jan/Feb 2007 STV Article, "Turn to Me")
In an answer to God’s call, FCA is walking alongside boys and men of all ages. Through various parts of sports ministry we are helping to raise up godly men.
FCA’s Coaches Ministry recognizes the impact and influence of coaches across the country. No matter the sport, FCA is mentoring and equipping men not only to be better coaches, but also to be better role models, better husbands, fathers and sons.
Through the Campus Ministry FCA is bringing the gospel to a generation of boys and young men who are often distracted and lost in the world around them.
“The typical young man doesn’t have someone teaching him and showing him Christ in the flesh,” said Casey. “Today it’s a ‘me’ society. You have to be on top. And being on top is getting the clothes, the shoes, the girls, the cars, the music. Young men don’t see they have a better option.”
Every day in high schools and colleges, FCA is showing young men that they do have a better option, they do have an identity.
“The biggest issue facing young Christian men is identity,” said Luck. “Will I be the Abercrombie man or God’s man? Am I gonna chase ‘cool’ or follow Christ?
“Identity determines loyalty under pressure, and our loyalty drives our choices. The greatest loyalty-producing act in the history of the world was at the cross.”
The development of FCA’s chaplain program has helped spur on thousands of godly relationships on college campuses and within professional teams. These chaplains minister and mentor some of the most influential and successful athletes. Men who come from broken homes – broken pasts – find recovery, renewal and spiritual growth in the fellowship of these chaplains.
For more than 50 years the Camp Ministry has combined athletic coaching, competition and fellowship with biblical instruction and spiritual growth. Here, godly men mentor and shape the next generation.
In camps across the country the scene plays out over and over again. A young fatherless man steps off a bus and searches through the crowd of campers and staff. He finds that coach or leader who helped him find the heavenly path at last year’s camp. They hug, briefly catch up and get ready for an incredible week.
Finally, the Community Ministry of FCA partners with local churches, organizations and communities to expand our reach men of all ages. And the Sport-Specific Ministries (baseball, fitness, golf, lacrosse, motocross and endurance) cater to the individual needs of all those involved. The community Huddles bring together men of all backgrounds with a common interest in sports.
For more information, you’re in the right spot. Just click on the link to each of these ministries on the FCA homepage, or click the link to find local staff and give them a call. Or call the FCA National Office at 1-800-289-0909.
*For more stories about faith and sport, visit