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Breakfast of Champions

"Jesus said to them, 'Bring some of the fish you have just caught.' Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore... Jesus said to them, 'Come and have breakfast...'" - John 21:10-12 (NIV)

If you are not eating breakfast, you are missing the most important meal of the day! When Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, He said, “Come and have breakfast.” It was a time of nourishment—physical,  relational and spiritual. Too bad most of us just rush into the day, undernourished physically and unprepared spiritually.

Breakfast is essential for consistent energy, focus and concentration, easier weight loss and more consistent moods. But just eating breakfast isn’t necessarily going to get you started on the right foot.

Jimmy Page's Breakfast Smoothie
-Milk, nonfat, fortified with calcium: 8 fl oz
-Strawberries, raw: 4 medium (1-1/4" dia)
-Banana, raw: 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
-Protein powder: 1 tablespoon (1 oz)
-Yogurt, plain, nonfat milk: 1/2 cup (8 fl oz)
-Flaxseed oil: 1 tablespoon
Cal Ripken, Jr., often says, “Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.” In this case, that means that in order for breakfast to be perfect, you have to eat the right things. Eating the wrong things for breakfast could actually make it the worst meal of the day. Poor breakfast choices will give you energy highs and lows, diminish your ability to concentrate, slow your metabolism and even make you gain weight.

Remember, breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day, so pack in balanced nutrition to jump-start your metabolism. The list on the right will give you clear instruction on what to eat and what not to eat for breakfast.

Once you examine those favorable options, incorporate these five ideas to make breakfast the most powerful meal of your day:

1. Stock your kitchen with healthy options. Eating a healthy breakfast is only possible if you have healthy food on hand.

2. Get up 15 minutes earlier. The No. 1 reason we skip breakfast is time. By adding 15 minutes to your morning regimen, you will remove the stress from the morning and have enough time to get a healthy start.

3. Prepare the night before. I make the kids’ school lunches the night before, so why not get ready for breakfast, too? Set the table and maybe even slice up some fruit.

4. If you have kids, give them some responsibility. Whether they help set up, prepare the food or clean up, work together as a team!

5. Pray to start the day. Don’t head out the door before you give thanks to the Lord and ask Him for His presence, power and protection. Remember, just as it is crucial to start your day with Christ and fuel yourself spiritually, it is important to fuel yourself physically. If you plan ahead and make the right food choices, breakfast will help energize you for optimal health and optimal performance!

1. Doughnuts
There’s no way to make doughnuts a good choice. They’re filled with fat and sugar that will make you sluggish and

2. Sugar Cereals
They may taste good, but the sugar bump-and slump that follows will make you lethargic by midmorning.

3. White Bread Products
These are high-glycemic foods that spike your blood sugar and cause your energy levels to rise and fall.

4. Toasted Pastries or Low-fat/ High-sugar Muffins
These foods have almost no fat, but they are loaded with simple sugar!

5. Granola Bars
They may seem like a healthy and convenient choice, but again, they often contain too much sugar.

1. Protein

Eggs, lean meats, peanut butter, low-fat/ low-sugar yogurt and protein shakes make good choices.

2. Fruit
This is the easiest way to make sure you get a great start on your fruits for the day.

3. Whole Grains with Fiber
Whole-grain cereals, oatmeal, bran muffins, wholegrain toast or bagels are the best options.

4. 100% Juices
If you want to drink juice, now is the time, but make sure it doesn’t have any added sugar.

5. Breakfast Shakes
Blend skim milk, whey protein powder, yogurt and fresh fruit for a complete meal.

Remember, just as it is crucial to start your day with Christ and fuel yourself sprititually, it is important to fuel yourself physically. If you plan ahead and make the right food choices, breakfast will help energize you for optimal health and optimal performance!

*For more stories about faith and sport, visit, the official magazine of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. 

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