STV Recommends
• For all your Christian book needs:
• For the single girls out there: Lady in Waiting: Developing Your Love Relationships by Debby Jones and Jackie Kendall
• For college football fans: Hard Fighting Soldier by FCA’s Chette Williams, Auburn University football chaplain
• For the John Mayer fans of the world: Speak by Jimmy Needham (
• Jimmy's thoughts on FCA: "As a musician, my purpose is to uncover ways to use the medium of song in order to point people to Jesus. It brings me joy to know that believers are using such a popular, all-inclusive avenue as sports to do the same. I pray that God uses the members of FCA to reach the lost by their integrity, their joy and their passion for the glory of God.”
• Click here to listen to his hit single, Lost at Sea.
• For the athletic guitar players and musicians: FCA Game Ready Worship Kit (
• For new Christians: The Starting Line