STV Recommends
Oct 2011



•  For the side of Tim Tebow’s story you haven’t heard: Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow (click here to purchase the book)
  For a book that equips men to become better fathers: The 21-Day Dad’s Challenge by Carey Casey (click here to buy the book)
   For a devotion book for kids who love sports and trivia: The One Year Sports Devotions for Kids by Jesse Florea, Jeremy Jones and Joshua Cooley (click here to purchase the book)


• For uniquely crafted songs that teach spiritual truth: 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman (Click here to visit his website)


 •  For a way to discover how Christian athletes, actors and leaders found their true purpose:

 --For more stories about faith and sport, visit, the official magazine of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. To subscribe to STV, click here.

Photos courtesy of Courtesy of  Harper Collins Publishers; Tyndale House Publishers; The Media Collective